Personalised support for you
Coaching with soul
Connecting through heart
Using your smarts
Step into possibilities with tailored coaching that benefits you
Let's explore your wants with possibilities and results

Coaching sprint
One month, three sessions
Your focus or need is specific, and so is our timeframe and outcome. Set a clear priority and activate momentum. This commitment will allow you to stay on track and experience results.
Coaching sprints are good when:
- you’re new to coaching and want to dip your toe in
- know how coaching can shift things quickly
- you’re clear on what you want, and ready to move, or
- you’re unclear, stuck or lost, and just want a nudge or some insights to re-set or reconnect to what’s important or what you need, right now.
Examples of better outcomes: change our thoughts and feelings, respond better in a specific situation, prepare for an event or goal, identify ways to reduce stress or feelings of anxiousness, sadness, flatness or overwhelm, overcome bullying or upsetting situations. Be calmer, clearer and more energised.
Invest in a brighter future: $1200

Coaching that grows
Seven weeks
Give yourself more focus, time and support on discovering or achieving a priority, major shift or change for you. Really support a commitment and accountability to create this important outcome for yourself, and giving it the time and care for this to unfold, take shape and be sustained.
You may also seek support in activating and maintaining momentum, navigating challenges along the way, and allow for reflection and adjustment. This commitment will allow you to stay on track and experience results.
Examples of better outcomes:
- Stop feeling tired or angry or lost
- Be calmer, clearer and more energised
- Connect your head and heart so you know what’s important and what you want
- Clarify, explore and set a direction for goals, change or major life transitions.
- Change thoughts and feelings, respond better or more flexibly, freely or resourcefully in situations
- Create clarity, confidence and courage – and start applying and experience positive change
- Understand and respond better to stress and avoid burnout, so you can connect, relate and perform better
- Reduce feelings or responses to stress, anxiousness, sadness, flatness or overwhelm, overcome
- Move beyond past habits, old responses and issues that hurt you or hold you back
- Lead teams better
- Create better experiences for yourself (and consequently others!) in work, life or both
Invest in a brighter future: $2900

Coaching deep
Five months
Give yourself the opportunity to be fully supported and dive deep into creating generative change and opportunities.
Focus on a goal or dream and receive the insights, guidance and support to bring it to life.
Create space for reflection and insights that allow you to shift what you think, feel and do.
Navigate unexpected or planned transitions with clarity, confidence and courage. Don’t leave it to chance or get caught up in old patterns or relying on yourself yet again, while slipping and stumbling along the way to no where.
Instead we:
- clarify what’s important or what you want
- connect your head and heart
- remove underlying, unwanted or unhelpful beliefs, patterns, thoughts and feelings
- clear roadblocks and limitations at multiple levels and layers
- map out a practical plan to take action
- create space for reflection and insights
- access momentum and stay connected and engaged
- access your inner wisdom and smarts for optimal results
Connect, and stay connected. Believe, trust and know you are doing this.
Investment: $5900, five months, 2.5 hour kick off session, then weekly 1 hour sessions, supported with email check-ins.

Therapeutic solutions coaching
Combining solution oriented and transformative coaching with addressing limiting beliefs and patterns created from traumatic experiences, family, childhood or other past legacies, events or stories.
This is not about talking that goes no where, it’s about identifying the issues and threads, and re-wiring our brains and bodies so we can heal, reconnect to purpose and power. And with this, we can then reorient to creating the experiences we want to bring into our lives.
Duration and investment provided on application and initial discussion.
NOTE: All prices include GST (10%). Sessions are online currently given the changing nature of Covid-19 restrictions.
READY to GET STARTED or find out more ...
Keen to get moving? Sick of being stuck or stressed?
Then let’s book this program for you
Have some questions? Curious about what’s possible?
Then let’s chat and answer these for you
Get in touch or book a FREE 30 minute explorer call today.
CALL 0468 418 479

... about coaching and change with Dani
Coaching is collaborative and creative
This is your time! The focus is on you. It starts with a chat, or even some pre-work before we meet. I ask questions to help me understand the situation and the possibilities. We create a safe space, work together, in a collaborative, creative and supportive way to solve or resolve what’s going on and move you towards the outcome you seek.
We explore and play with options, you make a choice on where we focus and what we do. In fact, it’s always your choice. And we’ll have time to reflect, adapt and incorporate what you keep learning, discovering and capturing along your journey.
One of my main roles as a coach is to help you do this, to connect and stay connected along the way. I’m like a guide, support and your cheer squad. I believe you can change, learn and grow. Always.
Change is generative
Change is a generative process. We change, we evolve. This happens at different rates, layers and levels, and it can prompt new insights or learnings. So by allowing yourself multiple sessions, you can commit yourself to an outcome, the process, and be supported to create space for reflection and refinement and adjustments.
We start with a conversation
I invite you to an explorer conversation that’s the starting point for everyone. It’s where we meet in real time, how understand, listen and consider what you want, what’s possible and how I can help you do this. It’s about understanding how we can work together best to achieve this. And finally it’s the clarity for commitment to your self and the future you’d like to welcome. So before we start, we share an explorer call.